Tag Archives: medium format

Faces From 75 Years Ago


An interesting find while going through boxes and boxes of pictures from my late aunt’s house. There were several negatives tucked away in this envelope. It’s hard to tell when this is from, but from the distinctive Art Deco font and the negatives inside, it was probably pre-WWII.

Without getting into a digital vs. analog debate, many young photographers that only know digital may not know what this is. It’s a paper holder for your prints and negatives. The corner drug store was a common place to have your film developed until only about 5 or 10 years ago. What’s amazing is that the 75-year-old negatives inside were in near-perfect shape. I scanned them all and saw pictures of family members long gone that I have never seen. I wonder if anyone will be able to recover digital pictures 75 years from now?

Lucille--John-Wineka-Unkown-2015-0216-Neg-15 Dad-and-Unkown-on-Farm-2015-0216-Neg-06 Ruth-on-Farm-2015-0216-Neg-08 Unkown-and-John-Wineka-with-Baby-2015-0216-Neg-02

Grimes Mill

I was on a video shoot about PDR (Purchase Development Rights) land in Fayette County (Lexington), Kentucky. These are lands that are protected from urban development in order to use the land for agriculture, cattle, horses, and even tourism. It costs a lot of money to purchase and protect our disappearing landscape in central Kentucky. We were shooting on the property of Grimes Mill Farm that borders Madison County near I-75.

The featured image was shot this with color film, though I envisioned it in black-and-white. It was mid-morning (and extremely humid!), and I was fighting the dappled sunlight. But it was my only opportunity to shoot these. I think the dappled light actually works with the Boone Creek shot. I like the brown water highlights and the light on the trees in the background. It helps the depth.

Bronica ETRS-Kodak Ektar 100 Bronica ETRS-Kodak Ektar 100