Tag Archives: Ilford Delta 100

Storage Below Ground

Yashica Electro 35 CCN-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

Yashica Electro 35 CCN-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

When you first see this structure at Waveland in Lexington, KY, it looks like the top of house on a hill. I’ve never been in this one, but it’s probably brick-lined like similar ones from this era.

Missing Teeth

Yashica Electro 35 CCN-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

Yashica Electro 35 CCN-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

At Waveland, a historic mansion and grounds on the outskirts of Lexington, KY.

I just bought this Yashica Electro 35 CCN wide (black). Holy crap what a great lens and fun little camera. I cleaned the battery contacts, cleaned the rangefinder glass inside and out, and put new seals in it. I love its size and weight – not too heavy, and not too light. It’s about an inch and a pound lighter than the full-size Electro 35 (in my unscientific judgement). I think, though it will require more testing, that the meter is off by about a stop (or my developer might have been weak as it was nearing the expiry date). I will happily run more rolls through this camera to determine it’s correct exposure adjustment.

Waveland Garden – The Compact Yashica Electro 35 CCN Wide

Yashica Electro 35 CCN-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

Yashica Electro 35 CCN-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

Yashica Electro 35 CCN-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

I purposefully pointed into the sunset to see what kind of flare (or flair) this little gem would have. Yashica Electro 35 CCN-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

Yashica Electro 35 CCN-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

Yashica Electro 35 CCN-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

At Waveland, a historic mansion and grounds on the outskirts of Lexington, KY.

I just bought this Yashica Electro 35 CCN wide (black). Holy crap what a great lens and fun little camera. I cleaned the battery contacts, cleaned the rangefinder glass inside and out, and put new seals in it. I love its size and weight – not too heavy, and not too light. It’s about an inch and a pound lighter than the full-size Electro 35 (in my unscientific judgement). I think, though it will require more testing, that the meter is off by about a stop (or my developer might have been weak as it was nearing the expiry date). I will happily run more rolls through this camera to determine it’s correct exposure adjustment.

Tree Factory

Yashica Electro 35 GT BLK-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

Yashica Electro 35 GT Black-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

It looks like a factory that is making Christmas trees.

There is a dividing line between a hospital and apartment housing for (mostly) international students who attend the University of Kentucky. These poor people have to hear and see these giant vent fans spewing God-knows-what into the air. Curiously, the UK campus and this hospital are “smoke-free” campuses. The smokers stand on the dividing line – a trench that sometimes acts like a creek just in front of this belching stack- to feed their habit. Like that “line” is the DMZ or something.

Winter Doldrums

Remember this awful winter? What 3 feet of snow? More water fell from the sky than most years since 1880-something – which is a nanosecond in the history of this planet. As it this 1/60th of a second snapshot of some of that water falling from the sky. An hour of shoveling followed these pictures.

Yashica Electro 35 GT BLK-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

Yashica Electro 35 GT BLK-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

Yashica Electro 35 GT BLK-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3

Yashica Electro 35 GT BLK-Ilford Delta 100, Perceptol 1+3